Toronto Reading Series

Reading series in Toronto

Toronto reading series are a good way to make good on the common New Year's resolution to get a little more literature into one's life. Despite the ease and pleasure of reading in solitude, watching a live reading or engaging in directed group reading are a gratifying way to experience the written word. Even if they don't culminate in the all-out exchange of ideas and interpretations that one finds in some reading groups, there's nevertheless a participatory element that enriches the whole process. Here are some of Toronto's most notable reading series, with links to their respective websites.

This Is Not a Reading Series (TINARS)
Pages may no longer occupy its retail space on Queen Street, but Marc Glassman's TINARS continues on, now with help from Charlie Huisken (formerly of This Ain't the Rosedale Library) who occupies the role of producer. TINARS events are consistently engaging, unconventional and, bet of all, don't involve authors reading monotonously from their texts. Cover is usually $5.

Harbourfront Reading Series
Host of the International Festival of Authors, Harbourfront also holds a weekly events series that'll be starting up in February for 2011. Look for established authors, both Canadian and otherwise, in a mostly conventional but setting. Most events are $10.

University of Toronto Bookstore
The U of T Bookstore hosts a variety of book launches and literary-themed events each month, the best place to keep tabs on which is the Toronto Reads blog (linked above). There you'll find information about the reading series, author talks, reviews and other events. Although lacking a weekly schedule, there's lots on offer.

Pivot Readings
These readings take place every second Wednesday at Press Club and feature a mix of both fiction and poetry and emerging and established writers. The series returns for 2011 on January 12 with Catherine Black, Claudia Dey and Melanie Janisse. PWYC.

The Rowers Pub Reading Series
Rowers has been replaced by the Harbord House, but the reading series still takes place at 150 Harbord St. on the first Monday of each month between October and June. The series features a mix of fiction and poetry by established writers with some spots saved for up and comers.

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