Toronto Zombie Walk 2005
If you didn't catch yesterday's Toronto Zombie Walk as it lurched through the city in search of BRAAAAINS, never fear - there are plenty o'pics:
Toronto Photography Meetup Group
the photobin ( that's my blog... I'm the zombie in #7 and Lisa from the Lost Chord is front and centre in #26)
Toronto Zombie Walk 2005 (photos up soon)
The highlight of the day: how cool everyone was when we passed through Dundas Square during a gathering for UMOVE (United Mothers Opposing Violence Everywhere). I was a bit concerned that we'd disturb a serious rally but instead magic happened! A very smart DJ (perhaps tipped off?) united the two groups by launching into "Thriller"! Zombies heeded their call and morphed into the Michael Jackson video extras they were born to be... Dundas Square became the place to live out a childhod fantasy! AND everyone enjoyed the moment for what it was - strangers coming together and having some spontaneous, outrageous fun.
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