Academy of Lions
Academy of Lions near Ossington and Dundas in a gym that has its roots in CrossFit training in a raw, industrial-like space that doesn't feel like your typical cookie-cutter gym.
If you're looking to revive your childhood playground prowess or if you just can't stand lifting weights, this is probably the way to go for your conditioning needs.
In a typical workout session, members run through custom workout programs featuring activities like hitting tires with hammers, climbing ropes, and lifting kegs.
Sessions are designed to emulate sporting events and games, and feature simple movements like squats, pushups, and gymnastics. The focus is not on calories but on athletic challenges using minimal equipment.
To train, you usually have to come during a scheduled workout time when group classes are held. Academy of Lions doesn't have a well-stocked open-gym, and all workouts are coached.
The location itself looks nothing like a typical gym; there are no televisions of treadmills in the non-descript building.
The minimalist decor and bare walls create a "Rocky meets Fight Club" aesthetic, and a giant tire sits right in the main entrance.