Massive zombie Thriller dance coming to City Hall
Those sleepovers where you danced the zombie dance while your friends' parents begged you to go to sleep and stop making noise up there are about to pay off. Next weekend a spooky cast of dancers are calling on Toronto to rattle its gross, brain eating (costumed) bodies in an attempt to set a new world record for the most people sashaying the zombie dance from Michael Jackson's Thriller video. Toronto held claim to the first such record in 2006, in case you dance best under pressure.
If you'd like to take part, bring a donation for the Prostate Cancer Canada to Nathan Phillips Square, specifically "the washroom, at the skate rental area" (sketchy), at 4:30pm Saturday, October 25th - it's the same day as Zombie Walk, so you don't have to worry about over-zombie-ing your pores this year - and join the hour long rehearsal before the 6pm showdown. If you just want to watch, look out for the bitey ones.
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