Nuit Blanche 2016

Vote for your favourite photo of Nuit Blanche 2016

Nuit Blanche is now just a distant memory. During this year's all-night art party, we once again partnered with the City of Toronto on the official event photo challenge. Hundreds emailed or tagged their photos with the #blogTOnbTO hashtag. From Director X's project "Death of the Sun" to the Fallen Water Niagara Escarpment at Brookfield Place the entries we received were awe-inspiring.

These are the 10 finalists selected as part of this year's photo challenge.

1. Lead photo Death of the Sun by @benroffelsen.

Literature vs Traffic

2. Literature vs. Traffic by @nnvv_.

Nuit Blanche 2016

3. PNEUMA by @jackmanchiu.

Nuit Blanche 2016

4. Stax of Wax by @souschef_jeff.

Urban Syncopation

5. Urban Syncopation by @rentimestwo.

Fallen Water Niagara Escarpment

6. Fallen Water Niagara Escarpment by @zzoomed.

death of the sun

7. Death of the Sun by @bijouxbizou.

Nuit Blanche 2016

8.Korsi by @neil.v.

nuit Blanche 2016

9. Broken Watches by @ange_kan.

Nuit Blanche 2016

10. Drake by @byteable.



Prizes for the top three photos include:

  • 1st place: $300 gift certificate from Henry's Camera
  • 2nd place: $150 gift certificate from Henry's Camera
  • 3rd place: $50 gift certificate from Henry's Camera

Voting in the poll ends at 11:59 p.m. on October 28, 2016. Good luck to all finalists!

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