
Harbord Sale Spices Up Street

Who doesn't love a good sidewalk sale, especially on a hot summer day?

Well, it may not be just the smog making things sticky on Harbord St. between Bathurst St. and Spadina Ave. this afternoon - the local sex shop gurus at Good For Her are teaching free mini workshops, feeding tasty treats, promoting free giveaways and performing what they say will be "a saucy reading."

Added bonus: 20 per cent off all vibrators and up to 75% off on selected clearance items.

Also, stores located on the south side of Harbord on the strip - including the Toronto Women's Bookstore, WonderWorks, Divine Scents Spa, The Curl Ambassadors, Wild Thing Cafe and Jode's Jewels - will have their own sales going on.

Who knows - maybe you'll end up just getting off on the money you saved.

12 p.m.: Free Oral Sex mini-workshop
2 p.m.: Aural Pleasure: Readings by J.Q. Maceus and Meaghan Strimas
3 p.m.: Good For Her teams up with Toronto Women's Bookstore to present a Free Kissing mini-workshop at the bookstore
4:30 p.m.: Free G-Spots mini-workshop

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